ARILS System
Amusement Rides Inspection Licensing System

We are working to schedule an ARILS training session at the OFMA convention in January, but do not have that confirmed as of this date. We encourage members affected by this change to attend one of the training sessions available yet this year.
Memo from Michael Vartorella, Chief Inspector Ohio Department of Agriculture, Amusement Ride Safety Division:
“To help streamline business practices, the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s division of Amusement Ride Safety is implementing a new Amusement Rides Inspection Licensing System (ARILS). The electronic platform will be effective January 2019 and will minimize the current paper-based system. Companies and their designated users will be able to do business with the division through the ARILS, including viewing inspection reports, requesting inspections, entering itineraries, updating insurance certificates, and making payments using an online access portal with your own credentials. To launch a smooth transition from the paper-based system to the ARILS, the division will host two separate training dates. A representative from each company is required to attend one of the training dates. The department will no longer accept paper documents starting January 1, 2019. This training is an opportunity for you to register your company in the new ARILS and learn how to use the system.”
For more information and to register for training, visit the ARILS page on the ODA website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Department of Agriculture.