Legislative Issues

The following legislative update is available for your review:

October 2024 Legislative Report


Agriculture Societies and Tourism

GOSA members are integral members of the county agricultural society and tourism industries. GOSA  supports policies that promote tourism and family amusement. GOSA supports policies and funding policies  that support county agriculture societies. Successful fairs and events benefit agriculture, the youth who participate in 4-H, and the economy as a whole.

Tax Policy

GOSA closely monitors tax policy in the State of Ohio. It is important that tax policies encourage business growth and development. Increases and expansions to the state’s sales tax can negatively impact GOSA members.

Public Health

As many of GOSA members are food service operators, public health is of the utmost importance. We want to ensure that regulations of food service operators strike a reasonable balance of adequately protecting the public from food born illness, while also not putting an undue burden on operators. Regulations should be data driven.

Public Safety

As many of GOSA’s members operate amusement rides, it is imperative to be engaged in regulations effecting these operators. GOSA has representation on the Amusement Ride Safety Advisory Council. There GOSA can monitor and stay active on the regulation and inspection requirements of these operators. GOSA believes regulation should be applied fairly and does not support carve outs for certain segments of the industry.

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