Congressional Outreach Guide


At the January 2025 board meeting, the president authorized formation of a new committee:  Government Issues.

This committee will be responsible for monitoring legislation and coordinating response to specific issues affecting the outdoor amusement industry.

  • Federal Legislation
  • State Legislation – not specifically monitored by current standing committees (rides, games, and health & safety) or those that would impact several facets of the industry (such as wages, labor, or transportation).

At this time, the CARE and RIDES Acts from 2025 have not been taken up by a new session of congress.  When these are introduced, the committee will update this page and reach out to members for assistance.

Commitee Members:

Annie Bair, Chair
Nick Blois
Jennifer Ramsey
JR Woods

2024 Information

As you may know, our industry has become heavily dependent on visa workers. With the upcoming election we are faced with the very real possibility that supplemental H2B visas will not be issued.

This act would provide us with employment security for years to come. We need your help to assure this act makes it into the upcoming spending bill. The act has bi-partisan support. It is not an immigration issue. It is a workforce issue. Passage of this legislation will:

  • Clarify an existing category of visas for foreign workers, the P Visa, which covers the entertainment industry. Carnival workers should’ve been included in this category years ago.
  • Solve the mobile amusement industry’s most pressing issue – having enough reliable workers to operate safely at full capacity
  • Free up about 10,000 H2B visas for the many other industries (fishery, landscaping, resorts) that also need reliable foreign labor.

This issue pertains not only to carnival and game owners, concessionaires, and other midway operators, but also fairs, festivals, and all associated industries. Without employment stability, fairs and festivals could be affected by receiving fewer rides and vendors, or even be faced with the possibility of no rides, games, or concessions on the midway. Our suppliers would be left with fewer customers during the season.

NEW SENATE COMPANION BILL!    The (awaiting information with new Congressional session)  You may contact your SENATOR now to co-sponsor this legislation!

The OABA has provided phone scripts, as well as email and letter templates below.

If you have contacted your Congressperson, please let us know here:


HERE is a link to a short video you can share on social media to promote and help explain this legislation.

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In Memory/Honor Of