Changes to Health Codes (PIC)

Requiring a person in charge certificate for mobiles

Concession Food

The Ohio Department of Health officially released their proposed new version of food safety rule 3701-21-25 that would now include a provision requiring a “person in charge certificate” for mobiles. 

Here is the language of interest to GOSA:

(2) The licensor shall mandate person in charge certification for at least one person in charge per shift in mobile food service operations and mobile retail food establishments effective March 1, 2019. Paragraph (K)(2) of this rule does not apply to a person in charge working in a mobile food service operation or mobile retail food establishment who provides documentation to the licensor that the person in charge has obtained manager certification in food protection issued by the director of health.

*A “manager certification in food protection issued by the director  of health” is the ServSafe/Level II with the Ohio Department of Health Certificate.

Should this rule go through as proposed, mobile businesses would need  to be in compliance by March 1, 2019.

The full rule can be accessed by clicking HERE, and all information on the rule package can be found here:

Requiring a person in charge certificate for mobiles would be a new requirement for mobile businesses.

GOSA is collecting information and arguments against adding mobiles to this rule and we need your help.  We are asking for examples of specific financial and administrative burdens this could put on your mobile food businesses.

  • How much will this cost? 
  • What type of employment barriers could this create? 
  • Why isn’t this necessary?  

Initial comments are due to ODH by September 12th.

Please send comments directly to GOSA lobbyist Amanda Sines:

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