New Member Application

Please fill out the form below.

After you click the SUBMIT button, you will be directed to the next page to pay your dues and have the opportunity to purchase additional yearbook listings and advertising.

(If you are renewing your membership, use this form to update any information that has changed, or you may go directly to the payment page:  CLICK HERE.)
Questions?  Contact the GOSA office: or 740-739-9073.
You may download and print a paper application HERE.  Paper applications must be mailed with payment to the GOSA office, or they may be given to any GOSA trustee.

    **Membership applications are processed when we have received your completed form AND payment.  New members will be placed on the next regular board meeting agenda for a vote.   Memberships are due by January 15  in order to be included in the yearbook and buyer’s guide in the spring.**

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