Pay Your Membership Dues

Returning members:  You may use the form below or email the GOSA office for an invoice and payment link sent directly to your email address:
If you are a new member, please complete the New Member Application first.  The submit button on that page will automatically add the membership to your cart and give you the option to purchase more products or continue with payment. 
**You receive ONE free listing with your membership.  Additional listings in other categories are $5 each.
Separate applications must be completed for each individual.  However, you may purchase all memberships and advertising at once from this page.

GOSA Membership Dues

ADD Partner Organization Joint Membership Dues

ADD Yearbook Advertising

ADD Newsletter Advertising

**Contact the GOSA office to be added to the waiting list for Full Page Color Tab advertising: 
Outside back cover placement of advertising in the yearbook is auctioned at the annual meeting each January.  Auction winners bid on one year of placement/advertising only.
Inside front and back cover placement is auctioned when available.  Auction winners retain first right of refusal to this placement each year.  Annual advertising in this space is $500.

Showing 1–12 of 23 results