Response to Editorial Cartoon
Response to Columbus Dispatch editorial board

The following statement was sent to the Columbus Dispatch editorial board regarding the cartoon published last week:
“The Columbus Dispatch has provided fair and accurate reporting on last year’s accident at the Ohio State Fair until printing an editorial cartoon depicting a ride inspector with a bag over his head on Wednesday, July 25.
Last year’s tragic accident was caused by a previously unknown and undetected corrosion problem with amusement rides constructed with steel tubing.
The Ohio amusement industry moved decisively, advocating to ride manufacturers to issue service bulletins addressing the corrosion issue. Following already in-place protocols, ride owners operating in Ohio have serviced rides as mandated by the bulletins, and inspectors inspect and verify the ride is compliant before issuing a license to operate.
Moreover, the strict safety protocol advocated by Ohio’s amusement industry will be further enhanced by revised standards soon to be released by ASTM. The organization is currently evaluating twenty-one new guidelines to address amusement ride corrosion as it pertains to manufacturing design, inspection standards and non-destructive testing protocol.
This intensive international effort will produce better regulations and increased testing and specific inspection methods and tools for Ohio Ride Safety inspectors to utilize.
We as an organization understand the knowledge and dedication of the ride safety inspectors. The aforementioned editorial cartoon show a lack of knowledge and professionalism. We are very disappointed.
David A. Drake, President
Greater Ohio Showmen’s Association
PO Box 43 Pataskala, OH 43062
Daytime #: 614-361-5441″
As of the posting of this news announcement, we have not received a response from the Columbus Dispatch.