Comments Wanted: Mobile Food

The Ohio Department of Health and Ohio Department of Agriculture held meetings with representatives from the Greater Ohio Showmen’s Association, Ohio Restaurant Association, Ohio Grocer’s Association, OEHA, Farmers Markets Management Network, and Ohio Festival and Events Association to draft proposed rules to Ohio Administrative Codes 3701-21 and 3717-1 regarding mobile food service operations and mobile retail food establishments.
These proposed rules will be presented to the Retail Food Safety Advisory Council at the council meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 9:30AM at the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Bromfield Building Auditorium, 8995 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. The meetings are public.
Our lobbyist has summarized the rule changes in the following document.
Mobile Food Service Operations and Retail Food Establishments Proposed Rule Changes September 2019.pdf
Please use this form to submit comments to the GOSA that the board can use to formulate an official response to these proposed changes. Submit your comments by Tuesday, September 10, 2019.