CALL TO ACTION: Fair Rescue Act

H.R. 7883, the Agricultural Fairs Rescue Act, which will provide $500 million in grant funding to support our fairs has been introduced by U.S. Representatives Jimmy Panetta (D-20th/CA) and Billy Long (R-7th/MO). Every fair organization, each board member and all of their local supporters should immediately contact their U.S. Representative and ask them to 1) become a co-sponsor* of House bill 7883, and 2) express to House Leadership this language should be included in the COVID relief package now being considered.
The bi-partisan legislation, if passed and signed into law, would provide grant funding to rescue fair organizations:
- This bill provides $500 million in Agricultural Fair Rescue Grants to agricultural fairs, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).
- AMS will provide the grant funding to states or state departments of agriculture based on the loss of attendance those fairs have experienced in 2020 when compared to 2019.
- The states or state department will then be required to make grants to fairs, prioritizing those that have faced the greatest financial hardship.
- Grants must be used to assist fairs to continue events that are drivers and promoters of agribusiness.
- Eligible fairs are local, county, or state fairs that help farmers promote their products or expand agricultural markets through conservation programs, agricultural research, educational programs, or other events that encourage agriculture, horticulture, and the domestic arts.
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